Tuesday, June 24, 2003

I know i havent updated in a while, its been a busy couple of days.

Had a good time hangin with B and company, did some quality Haloing and grillin at wilsons on sunday. Good times were had by all. Bonding time with another level headed guy is always something wags needs.

Lots of stuff going on with school, this is the equivlant to the week before finals week in fall and spring. 2 exams this week in management, had one on monday and the final on friday. Good thing she cancelled class tomorrow, lets me sleep in a bit after working a 14 hour day today, and still get in time to make up for taking this friday off.

Thats right, this friday is quality time with sloka in da burgh. Goin out there to see a DMB show and take in the sights. Should be a good time.

In other news, apple has redefined the personal computer yet again with the powermac g5. Check all the new suff out at apple.com.

Im audi for now, im going to go finish reading my midnight nation trade paperback and then go to bed. For a long time.

I miss you katie, and i love you very much.

Positive: 1st summer semester almost over
Negative: almost 2 weeks...and shes in my arms
Quote: Well, see, well have these joggers, just like the secret service - a kid in my management class on how to control a birthday party of 6 year olds when it gets out of hand
Song of the day: Ben Folds - The Luckiest
Cool Mac Moment: http://www.apple.com/powermac

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