Monday, June 30, 2003


Wow. The grief i get from some people. Its been a pretty busy week or so. Work was hell, so much to do, some reorgs in the office physically(we moved my desk and we got a new G4 system to go on that desk...mmm) and impending job reorgs in the office too. It could get crazy around there. Especially since i guess some people claim that im treated differently then the other student staff in there. I could go on about that, but i have pride and tact and wont do that. *shakes head*

Have had some quality friend bonding time. Been spending alot of time with B lately. Hes been a good source of sanity for me in the otherwise insane world. Which for those of you who know the situation of a few weeks would laugh if you read that. Some situations get blown out of proportion, and in the end, not only did it work out, but things are really great because of it.

Supposed to hit my 3rd fo 6 DMB shows this weekend, but other circumstances came up. Sucks, but it happens, i guess.

I still had friday off from work, which was nice and relaxing. Spent the whole weekend only doing one thing...playing star wars galaxies. Greg, one of the guys i work with beta tested the game, and we both preodered it. We got it on friday and i played it incessantly this whole weekend. This weekend...and anytime im on im now known as Detoun Iceew, a Zabrak(the same race as Darth Maul from ep 1) who is an aspiring weaponsmith. Ive done enough missions for the empire where i am now an overt operative for them with a rank of Private, working on lance corporal. The game is pretty sweet and greg and i did some general ass-whooping. Good times were had by all.

*insert 45 minute break of time to talk to katie on the phone*

Yeah, so i just found out that katies grandparents may be coming in to town, or katie might have to go out to visit her grandparents the weekend she gets back..and she wouldnt be back untill monday or have to be with them on monday. Yes, meaning i may not get to see her the day i get back...also known as THE FIRST DAY POSSIBLE TO SEE HER IN 6 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!! Yeah...that is fate kicking me straight in the yammies. Yeah, i guess weve gone this long without seeing each day wouldnt matter that much, but im missing her so much right now and shes missing me just...blah.

Ok, im off to bed, up at the butt-crack of dawn for fizix recitation and lab. W00t. Im so excited. Night all.

Positive: Star Wars : Galaxies
Negative: One week from today? maybe?
Quote: "When i get home, im going to kiss you untill you dont know your own name" - Katie
Song of the day: Clapton - Wonderful Tonite
Cool Mac Moment: My laptop hard drive dying...twice...oh wait, that aint cool, its shitty.

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