Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Things that annoy me - Pt. 1

Typical office banter.

Me: Hey (insert random employee), how was your weekend?
Them: Good, too short!
Me: Heh.

Its like a standard greeting now. Even 3 day weekends for people are "too short". I dont know many people who like coming into work, but still. Saying that the weekend was "too short" is just old now.


Anonymous said...

I've always thought things would be more interesting if, when people throw things out like "How was your weekend?" or "Hey how're you?" or even as a reaction to someone sneezing as an alternative to "Bless you"... that more people should, just for shock value and to see the looks on people's faces, start saying "Hey, go to Hell."

It'd mix things up a bit! The first time I did that I had people doing it all week at work to everyone else. Good times and of course no one actually meant it.

About a month after I first saw "die in a fire" on the Internets I used it at work as a casual response to someone's jackassery. It too spread like wildfire.

The world misses your wit and cleverness in podcasts :(

Brian said...

Bwaaahahaha. That seriously got me. I might try that now.

I kind of miss podcasting too. But i dont miss the epeen wars and bullshit drama that comes with em :)