Thursday, September 06, 2007

Finally. A Candidate I Can Support 100%.


My friends, I come to you today to tell you that I intend to run for President. I feel deeply that I am doing it for the right reasons. I love my country and I am concerned about its future. Just within the next few years, some very serious challenges are moving towards us that will present a difficult and dangerous time in the life of our nation. There are grave issues affecting the safety and security of the American people and our economic well being. I’m going to do my level best in this campaign to address these problems. I’m going to give this campaign all that I have to give, and I hope that you will join me.

Dont be surprised if you see me working this campaign.


Anonymous said...

I am from Texas and I'd like to apologize for Ron Paul.

I was gritting my teeth so hard last night every time that crazy hippie spoke that I could've crushed diamonds between my molars.

I like Rudy and I think he'd do great with the War on Terror - but as a conservative I shudder to think of what'd happen to the courts under Rudy.

Hopefully Fred will be the more conservative choice. Hey, the last time we put an actor up he did rather well. Maybe lightning can strike twice.

I'd trust a freaking cocker spaniel to oversee the War on Terror more than Hillary or Obama.

Anonymous said...

The site address makes me smile... we are having an electin later this year, and one of our candidates has
