Monday, December 03, 2007

Mid 20's Dating for the Non Barfly - Part 2: The Inevitable End of the touchiest subjects when participating in internet dating is exclusivity. Most people who use internet dating never had huge success in the bar or club scene, so the availability of a large potential dating pool has people with poor self control foaming at the mouth. Take this example.

Mid 20s female. Moderately attractive, smart, successful, socially awkward. Probably never had a lot of luck with men in high school or college because most guys looking for women were going for the slutty hotter women or they couldnt find someone that matched what they were looking for in the crowds they were limited to with their schooling.

Bring on or eharmony. Suddenly, these girls rise above and are exposed to hundred if not thousands more potential men. I hate to use crappy analogies, but it becomes essentially a buffet. Since in these kinds of situations, the women have more of a choice over the men, it becomes a suitor situation. Next thing they know, they are balancing multiple men without really having the know how or skill to do it. Suddenly they get mixed up in a wave of emotion and cant control whats going on. It can only go downhill at that point.

Im not saying that men dont do that. I have worked pretty hard to be careful when dating to always respect the person i am "dating" to not make them feel like they have to compete with other people. If i decided to date someone, i make them the priority. Does this mean initial choices? Yes. However, life is full of choices. Some people are afraid of choice and how it affects people, even if its better to make those choices earlier than longer down the road.

One of the other MAJOR issues with this is how a person lies or "excludes truths". As someone who has been burned by dating habitual liars in the past, i possibly could just be extremely oversensitive to this issue. Some people think that lying isnt bad if they think it is justified. I guess i have no tolerance for it. Even if its hard to hear or tough to say, id like to know the truth of what is going on at all times. I hate feeling like i have been duped or that i had been looking like a total fool.

Honesty. Key ingredient. Have i gotten burned? Yeah. Am i trying to turn this into a learning experience? Of course.

Is it disappointing? Of course. Im sick of this sort of stuff happening.

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