Well, i had a somewhat interesting wednesday.
A few weeks ago, i went over to my parents house for dinner, and was given a jury summons that came to the house. My permanent residence is still listed as my folks house since i dont really want to change it until i actually buy a place that i will be at for long term. At any rate...i got this jury summons. Date was set for june 6th, and at first i wasnt too excited. Was going to have to let my boss know, tell him i need time off, it was around the time of sloka's wedding and my birthday where i had taken days off to do stuff, so i didnt know if id have to alter plans, etc etc etc.
Then i thought about it.
Seeing as how, if i could do my life over, i would have followed my gut instinct my senior year in college and go to school for political science/Law so i could work in government, the reality of this sunk in. This was my chance to see how things work in my local judicial system. So i thought about it, and figured, either way, it would be ok.
More time went by and i started getting excited of the prospect of doing it. I know my sister did it and said it was pretty boring, but im kind of nerdy about this...so i was looking forward to just seeing the process. Ive seen tv shows like law and order, and i guess thats my only real basis...but i was still excited.
Fast forward to yesterday.
I get to the JUDICIAL CENTER(!!!) and go through security. Sign in at the jury lounge...and wait.
And wait.
And wait more.
We find out that there are a total of 3 trials in need of juries. So i figure there is a good chance ill get called. Well, the first batch of jurors got called, and i wasnt on that list. SO i waited.
Now its noon. Lunch time. The jury pool manager said he would have more info after lunch. I ate lunch. Watched more reruns of the Adams Family on TV Land, and around 115, was told that another case was added with need for a jury, to bring it to a total of 4 cases. Now i KNEW i would get picked.
10 minutes later, the 2nd jury pool was pulled....and i wasnt on the list. Now i was starting to get bored, so i took a nap. Dozed off on the couch i was sitting on and woke up here and there, watched some more TV, then around 245, we were told that the last 2 trials decided that they didnt need us. 1 went with a bench trial, the other got spooked and postponed their trial date. So...i was told to head on out.
Boring? A bit. But at least i dont have to spend my birthday in a courtroom, when my boss gave me the day off.
I hope i get called again and can actually serve. Id like to see how it works. Otherwise, oh well. Such is life.
BTW, its birthday eve. Tomorrow is the big day.