Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Officially Meh.

While ive never contemplated voting for Obama, i never really felt compelled to vote for Mccain. I think hes someone who does what the polls tell him to do. That being said, I finally decided on voting for him because the socialist policies of Obama that have come out lately are just too ridiculous to let go. Wealth redistribution? Tax "rebates" for people who dont pay taxes? Sorry. No thanks. Dont penalize people who work hard to strengthen the economy while rewarding those who suck welfare from the system.

Out of control.

Win or lose, i just want this election to be over. Its giving me too much anxiety. I havent blogged lately cause im tired of politics and tired of WoW complainers, so i have nothing really to say. Nothing that big and exciting going on.

Happy hump day.

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