Friday, March 31, 2006

Good Thursday!

What a great thursday.

1. I got a raise
2. The weather is spectacular
3. I got to go for a long walk through chicago in said weather.
4. I got to bowl 4 games and get loaded on beer all paid for by the company...
5. I got to go home early!
6. Did i say the weather is beautiful?
7. I started work on my new Dungeon Set 2 quests and almost have my first epic piece!
8. Callie was enjoying having ALL windows and sliding glass doors much sniffing to do.
9. Started scheduling the first Pod People get together! Memorial day here we come!
10. Won a 25$ Gift card for being on the winning team for bowling!

Man, cant wait for today to be over. Running Zul'Gurub tonite, going to hopefully down 3 bosses tonite, instead of our 1 boss last week. Im so excited!

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