Thursday, March 20, 2003

Operation Iraqi Freedom: Day 2

What a day. I worked this morning trying to find a TV to keep on top of what is going on in the war. I feel like most people dont care. Im the one who says...hey, the ground war has started, or hey, artillery has started to fire....and everyone i talk to in the majority is like....yeah? Even if you oppose the war, how can you be apathetic like this? Ugh.

Class today...its a thursday, to its kolla day. F that noize. Glad its over, thats for sure.

For the record...talking to katie is awesome :)

So im sitting here now, watching the live feed of our troops moving into Iraq. This is kinda creepy, but pretty interesting to see it as it happens. I dont know if its necissarily the best way to do it, but im still watching. Scud missile strikes today, scuds that saddam didnt have. Also lighting oil rigs on fire....even though the UN ambassador for iraq said they wouldnt do that. What else are we going to find? I feel bad for the people in Kuwait City who have had 7 air raid drills today, 4 of them legit. Thank god for Patriot Missile Batteries. I love the American Military.

Phrase Wags is officially sick of? "Shock and Awe" Its up there with dented chads.

Anyone see that they found ricin, a bio-agent in paris? How creepy is that....

Work tomorrow, even though id like to stay home and watch the news all day. Yah right that would happen. I was up till 2 watching the news, and i think im worrying about this all so much. Meh. Good thing the Dave and Tim tour started up. Sets are looking pretty damn good...

Off to bed now, wish i could have gone to pollyeyes tonite. :(

Positive: 70 degrees again today?
Negative: People who dont care about the war thats going on
Quote: *filter* - Wags
Song of the day: Gravedigger - Dave Matthews
Cool Mac Moment: Listening to CNN radio on my laptop today...

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