Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Hey all,

I know most of you probably dont check it, but my Mac Website has been getting some decent press lately. The guys over at 2 guys have been real kind to me, and have made me a contributing writer as well. Check out my Mac Website at macevangelist.blogspot.com and check out the 2 guys website at www.2guysamacandawebsite.com/.

Also, dont forget to check out my dad's new weblog, hes kind of goofy, but its fun to read! Gets some insight into the thing that raised this crazy idiot who feels the need to ramble on on a website as well...Click if you dare!

Its looking like some major changes could be on the horizon. Im looking to get a job with Apple Computer in a few weeks out in cleveland. That would mean that i would leave BG one semester before im done with school, but its a price im willing to pay to work for the company ive always dreamed of working for. It poses a few "logistical" problems to say the least, but i hope i can work through them. Those of you who have been with my blog since day one know that day one was actually me talking about getting offered a job with Apple in New York that i had to turn down. This seems like a ironic turn of events. Maybe its saying that i should quit blogging, lol.

Ill post full information on what happens tomorrow at some point, im sure those of you who i talk to or see on a daily basis im sure will know the outcome, but dont worry, information will be posted here as well.

Oh, and since senseless team bashing is going on much to my chagrin, I just have to say that the Green Bay Packers lost their preseason opener.


Positive: I could be working for Apple Computer soon. Oh yes. Its true.
Negative: Planning for the REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS.
Quote: "Yeah, someone called about a reference for you? I told them how much you suck. Oh wait, i mean how much i suck." - McComas on the Apple people calling him for a reference about me.
Song of the day: Jimi Thing - DMB
Cool Mac Moment: Ill let the readers decide what this is for themselves. Feel free to discuss in the "Bitch about whatever wags says box", errr i mean the chatterbox.

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